Jaiden Mahlberg (Intern)

“The spontaneous movement in all of us is toward connection, health, and aliveness. No matter how withdrawn and isolated we have become, on the deepest level, just as a plant spontaneously moves toward sunlight, there is in each of us an impulse toward connection and healing.”

—Laurence Heller, PhD and Aline LaPierre, PsyD, authors of “Healing Developmental Trauma”

Jaiden believes that every person has the innate ability to heal. She is passionate about holding a space for those who need a safe, secure environment to explore their goals, share their story and expand their sense of self. Jaiden uses a family system’s framework and believes that creating a support network is as vital to the healing process as the air you breathe. She is interested in working with individuals, couples, families, and adolescents regardless of race, gender or sexuality. Areas of interests also include anxiety, depression, relationship troubles, sexual wellness, trauma, and grief & loss.

Jaiden has a bachelor’s of science in family social science with a focus on family therapy from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. She is currently finishing her master’s program from the University of Wisconsin STOUT in Marriage and Family Therapy. During her time at the University of Minnesota she gained experience working with black families experiencing grief and loss.

In her free time Jaiden enjoys reading fantasy and sci-fi books, swing dancing and other forms of ballroom dance, playing the violin, hiking nature trails, and spending time with her family & friends.


I’m easy to reach to talk further about my services or to set up an appointment.

Call me at 651-269-4937

Email me directly or use the easy web contact form to the right.

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Jaiden Mahlberg (Intern)

“The spontaneous movement in all of us is toward connection, health, and aliveness. No matter how withdrawn and isolated we have become, on the deepest level, just as a plant spontaneously moves toward sunlight, there is in each of us an impulse toward connection and healing.”

—Laurence Heller, PhD and Aline LaPierre, PsyD, authors of “Healing Developmental Trauma”

Jaiden believes that every person has the innate ability to heal. She is passionate about holding a space for those who need a safe, secure environment to explore their goals, share their story and expand their sense of self. Jaiden uses a family system’s framework and believes that creating a support network is as vital to the healing process as the air you breathe. She is interested in working with individuals, couples, families, and adolescents regardless of race, gender or sexuality. Areas of interests also include anxiety, depression, relationship troubles, sexual wellness, trauma, and grief & loss.

Jaiden has a bachelor’s of science in family social science with a focus on family therapy from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. She is currently finishing her master’s program from the University of Wisconsin STOUT in Marriage and Family Therapy. During her time at the University of Minnesota she gained experience working with black families experiencing grief and loss.

In her free time Jaiden enjoys reading fantasy and sci-fi books, swing dancing and other forms of ballroom dance, playing the violin, hiking nature trails, and spending time with her family & friends.


I’m easy to reach to talk further about my services or to set up an appointment.

Call me at 651-269-4937

Email me directly or use the easy web contact form below.

Send Jaiden a Message:

COVID-19 Update

We at Gail Yost and Associates (GYA) want our clients and therapists to be healthy and safe. With that in mind, we have been responding to the evolving situation by following CDC guidance for providing our services to you. This includes preventative measures related to in-office visits.

*Please join us in doing what is recommended to minimize risk.

*We ask that if you are sick and/or have been exposed to COVID-19 that you call to reschedule your in-office appointments

*We have asked that our therapists not come into the office if they are sick. You will receive a phone call to cancel and reschedule your appointment if your therapist is sick. 

*Therapists are doing extra cleaning of frequently touched hard surfaces.

*If our waiting area has more people in the space than prudent in regards to social distancing, please cooperate with your therapist’s suggestions of alternative places to wait for your appointment.

*Please cover your cough or sneeze and wash your hands as needed.*We have contingency plans in place to be able to provide continuity of service to our clients should in-office services be temporarily inadvisable. We will continue to provide in-office sessions unless it becomes inadvisable to do so.